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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Now this is what a music video should be!

Here's the crazy thing, I was feeling a little underwhelmed by a lot of what's "up and coming" in metal for awhile there. Then I re-examined Gojira and found them to be even more amazing than I originally thought. Then, I began hearing things about this band called Hacride. So I did a little searching and OH MY FREAKIN' GOD!!! Not quite up to Gojira status, but still some of the more inventive and interesting and utterly crushing metal I've heard as of late. Both bands have pretty awesome music videos and, guess what, they are both French bands. Yes, French metal bands. Good French metal bands. I think I need to re-examine my former dislike for these folk. On another note, the French (and most of Europe for that matter) don't have the same problems with the human body that we do, i.e. there's boobs in these videos. Enjoy!

Hacride- Perturbed

Gojira- To Sirius

Gojira- Vacuity

Why must I be short on cash right as I'm finding music I actually deem worthy to buy>!?

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