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Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Hello, and welcome to my new blog; Proto Merkaba! If you don't know what the title of this blog is in reference to, then you either don't play videogames or you know nothing about Kabbalah, Gnosticism, or new age thought. I could explain it to you all, but I'd rather have the joy of letting you all explore it for yourself.

I want to explain my reasons for starting this blog. I have a profile on and in it I post blogs that range from the absolute ridiculous and pointless to the ultra-serious. Myspace, in general, is one big headache as it sucks your life from you, all the while frustrating you with its constant server problems. So, after reading some blogs from other people on Blogspot I thought this might be a good place to come. I want to use this blog to express ideas that I normally wouldn't on myspace, as well as start working on my writing. Essentially, this blog is still under construction. I have a vague idea of what I want to do and as I post more I feel that I will figure it out. I'm also hoping that I can get some more people here to read it that normally wouldn't grace the buggy halls of mycrack.

That's it in a nutshell. I'll have something more serious here soon (and the actual look will be changed), but until then, welcome to Proto Merkaba!


Third Impact said...

Nice layout. Have you seen the layout to my blog yet? Oh, and that Tool concert from Morrison, CO I downloaded is the best Tool concert I've ever heard.

Third Impact said...

Possibly even the greatest Concert CD I've ever heard.