Well, it's been a little more than a week of trying to be vegan. First off, I've been hungry. Really hungry. Getting enough foodstuffs is a problem for a college student, let alone a vegan one. But, I did alright. Raisin Bran is a good source and there are these really good vegan frozen waffles. They are called "Vans'" and you can find in the frozen "naturals" section of most supermarkets.
Second, I "graduated" college yesterday! Woo hoo! I still have a couple classes for the summer, but for all intents and purposes, I'm DONE! My g/f threw me this huge party yesterday, lots of friends and family and tons of food. Problem is, none of it was vegan. So, in order to keep things easy and not complicated, we recanted on our month long vegan-ism yesterday. Yes, I ate cheese, cake, and snack mix with cheese. Later, my body decided to yell at me after playing a gig, forcefully stating just why I can't splurge on something I've cut out of my diet. So, if any of you were going to chastise me for not sticking to it for a straight month, and rightly so you would be, let it be known my body told just how stupid I was.
The cake was flippin' incredible though. And all the other food. I'll have a graduation blog later, as it was kind of a trip.
In case you are wondering if I am going to keep with the vegan thing for the rest of the month, I think that I am. I haven't decided totally yet, but I think I will be.